FAPESP Seed Grant Awarded
PI Hajimirza was awarded Texas A&M University and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Collaborative fund research seed grant for...
Accepted journal paper!
Our paper "Optimizing sun-tracking angle for a better irradiance collection of PV panels using a particle-based dust accumulation model
Mine Kaya awarded 2017 ASME IDETCE/CIE poster award!
Mine Kaya, PhD. student of the ECO Lab was awarded ASME best poster award to attend IDETCE/CIE conference in August 2017. She will...
Attending IDETC/CIE2017
I will be attending the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computer and Information in Engineering...
Attending SHTC2017
I will be attending the ASME 2017 Summer Heat Transfer Conference in Bellevue Washington, on July 9-14. I will be presenting our work on...