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Team Members

Principal Investigator

​Dr. Shima Hajimirza is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, and the director of the ECO Lab. 

Full CV availale upon request

Post-Doctoral Researchers


Dr. Amirsaman Eghtesad is a post-doctoral scholar at ECO Lab at Stevens. His expertise is in thermal fluid sciences, radiation heat transfer and desalination systems.

Graduate Students


Sahar Isapour ​is a PhD Student of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology and a member of ECO Lab. She works on radiative and electronic modeling and optimization of photovoltaic structures, particularly at micro-nano scales. 


​Farhin Tabassum​ is a Phd student of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology and a member of ECO Lab. She works on the applications of machine learning and data-driven modeling for learning and estimation of radiation heat transfer in porous media. â€‹

Former members

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Dr. Mostafa Ghoreyshi was a post-doctoral researcher at ECO Lab at Texas A&M.

​Mine Kaya​ was a Phd student of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M from August 2016 to September 2020. She worked on near field radiation problems in nano materials and machine learning algorithms with application to thin film solar cell design.


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​Salma Salah​ was a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering and a research Scholar with ECO Lab TAMU from June 2018 to 2020. She worked on near field radiation problems in nano materials with the defect and impurity states.

Hyun Hee Kang was a Masters student in Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M. He joined ECO lab TAMU in the Summer of 2017 and worked on the modeling of radiation heat transfer in porous media.

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Aliakbar Shafi was a Masters student of Industrial Engineering at ECO Lab TAMU. He worked on control and optimization of  solar modules with Machine-Learning based predictive models.

Justin Bolf worked as a junior Mechanical Engineering student at ECO Lab TAMU in the summer of 2016. 

Carlos Gerardo Ojeda Barrero was an undergraduate visiting  research student from the Anáhuac Mayab University in Mérida, México, visiting ECO Lab TAMU during the summer of 2016.  

Jicheng Lu was a graduate student at ECO Lab TAMU from 2016 to 2017.

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